Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 6: Moving Toward Normalcy?

It was a rough morning, but I felt pretty decent. Other than having to return to work and do something I really don't enjoy at all, today was good. Got my fluids in, ate really well with apples, bananas, egg whites, sweet potato and other quality fiber/protein sources. Most importantly, I was able to sustain a decent 3-mile workout with only very light cramping/pain. Hopefully tomorrow I can go a little more intense, even though I'm not sure I'm ready for 5-6 miles yet. Muscles still a little sore, so weight training has to wait another day, but overall, this was the first day of actually feeling pretty normal.

Still a little down after seeing the affect this has on everything, but even more motivated to show that it can be reversed in a short amount of time. Tomorrow means even more fluids, and an increased energy intake/output.

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